Kanzi Studio command reference

Here you can find the reference for the Kanzi Studio commands that you can execute by running a script from the command line interface. See Automating Kanzi Studio tasks.

Basic Editing

Advanced Editing



Brush Creation

Component Creation

Empty Node

Layout Node

Container Node

Content Node

Interactivity Node

Material Creation

Primitive Creation

Node 3D Creation

Helper Node 3D Creation

Render Pass Creation

Render Pass Preset Creation

Misc Creation

Object Source Creation

Texture Creation

Trajectory Creation






Basic editing


Add to resources dictionary

Syntax AddToResourceDictionary resourceId resource resourceDictionaryHost
resourceId The resource ID.
resource The resource that you add to a resource dictionary.
resourceDictionaryHost The node to whose resource dictionary you add the resource.
# Add the My Mesh mesh to the resource dictionary of the Screen node
# and set the resource ID of My Mesh to My Mesh ID.
AddToResourceDictionary "My Mesh ID" "/Mesh Data/My Mesh" "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene"

Advanced editing


Add a property to an item.

Syntax AddProperty propertyCollection propertyName valueAsString
propertyCollection The node or resource to which you add the property.
propertyName The property that you add.
valueAsString (Optional) The value of the property.
# In the RootPage node add the Description property.
AddProperty "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" Description
# In the RootPage > Button 2D node add the Background Brush property and set it to the DefaultBackground brush.
AddProperty "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Button 2D" Node2D.BackgroundBrush "/Brushes/DefaultBackground"


Move all property types to the current project property namespace.

Syntax AddPropertyNamespaceToPropertyTypes
# Add the project property namespace to all property types in the project. 


Transform vertices in the vertex buffer of the model according to the current transformation of the node and set the transformation to an identity transformation.

Syntax BakeTransformation node
node The node whose transformation you want to bake to vertex data.
# Bake the Layout Transformation of the RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene > Model node
# into the vertex data of the mesh that the node uses. 
BakeTransformation "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene/Model"


Centers the vertices of the mesh so that the center of the bounding box moves to origo.

Syntax CenterMesh meshes
meshes The mesh data resource whose vertices you want to center.
# Center the vertices of the CarBody mesh so that the center of the bounding box moves to origo.
CenterMesh "/Mesh Data/My Mesh"


Invert the direction of polygons and normals in the mesh data.

Syntax FlipMesh meshes flipPolygons flipNormals flipTextureCoordinateU flipTextureCoordinateV
meshes The meshes in the mesh data of which you invert the direction of polygons, normals, and texture coordinates. Separate a list of meshes with semicolons.
flipPolygons Whether to invert the direction of polygons in the mesh data without modifying normals.
flipNormals Whether to invert the direction of normals in the mesh data.
flipTextureCoordinateU Whether to invert the direction of the U coordinates of textures.
flipTextureCoordinateV Whether to invert the direction of the V coordinates of textures.
# In the MyMesh mesh invert the direction of polygons and normals.
FlipMesh "/Mesh Data/My Mesh" true true false false
# In the MyMesh mesh invert the direction of the U coordinates of textures.
FlipMesh "/Mesh Data/My Mesh" false false true false


Generate normals to the vertex buffer of the mesh.

Syntax GenerateNormals meshes smoothingAngle
meshes The meshes to the vertex buffers of which you generate normals. Separate a list of meshes with semicolons.
smoothingAngle The smoothing angle in degrees.
# Generate normals to the vertex buffer of the My Mesh mesh with a smoothing angle of 60 degrees.
GenerateNormals "/Mesh Data/My Mesh" 60


Generate tangents to the vertex buffer of the mesh.

Syntax GenerateTangents meshes
meshes The meshes to the vertex buffers of which you generate tangents. Separate a list of meshes with semicolons.
# Generate tangents to the vertex buffer of the My Mesh mesh.
GenerateTangents "/Mesh Data/My Mesh"


Remove all Animations Data resource without data and optimizes existing Animation Data items.

Syntax OptimizeAnimations animations threshold
animations The Animation Data resources from which you remove redundant keyframes. Separate a list of animations with semicolons.
threshold The threshold value for keyframe removal. When deleting a keyframe changes the animated value by less than the value that you set with this parameter, Kanzi Studio removes the keyframe.
# Remove from the Animation Data resources Animation1 and Animation2
# all keyframes with a delta value smaller than 0.1.
OptimizeAnimations "/Animation Data/Animation1; /Animation Data/Animation2" 0.1


Print to the log the invalid project items and their error messages.

Syntax PrintDiagnosticReport
# Print a list of invalid project items in the main project and loaded referenced projects
# to the Log window and %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\KanziStudioLogs\KanziStudio.log file.  


Remove a property from an item.

Syntax RemovePropertyFromItem host propertyName
host The node or resource from which you remove the property.
propertyName The property that you remove.
# In the RootPage node remove the Background Brush property.
RemovePropertyFromItem "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" Node2D.BackgroundBrush
# In the Library > Rendering > Render Passes > Render to Texture Pass remove the Composition Target property.
RemovePropertyFromItem "/Render Passes/Render to Texture Pass" CompositionTargetRenderPass.CompositionTarget


Renames all the shader files to corresponding material type name.

Syntax RenameShaderFiles materialTypes
materialTypes The material types whose shader files you rename. Separate a list of material types with semicolons.
# Rename the shader files of My Material Type to My Material Type.frag.glsl and My Material Type.vert.glsl.
RenameShaderFiles "/Material Types/My Material Type"


Set a property value.

Syntax SetProperty parent propertyName propertyValueAsString
parent The node or resource whose property you want to set.
propertyName The name of the property.
propertyValueAsString The value to which you want to set the property.
# In the Screen node set the Metrics Type property to Absolute. 
SetProperty "/Screens/Screen" Window.MetricsType Absolute 
# In the Screen node set the Width property to 1200.
SetProperty "/Screens/Screen" WindowAbsoluteWidth 1200
# In the Screen node set the Height property to 720.
SetProperty "/Screens/Screen" WindowAbsoluteHeight 720
# In the RootPage > My Button node set the Double-Click Enabled property to enabled.
SetProperty "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/My Button" Node.EnableMultiClick true
# In the RootPage node set the Background Brush property to the Color Brush brush.
SetProperty "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" Node2D.BackgroundBrush "/Brushes/Color Brush"
# In the RootPage node add the Description property and set it to "This is the main page of the application.".
AddProperty "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" Description "This is the main page of the application."



Delete all Animation Data items with one or no effective keyframes. Repeated keyframes with the same value are regarded as ineffective.

Syntax DeleteAnimationsWithLessThanTwoEffectiveKeyframes animations
animations The animations you want to delete if they have one or no effective keyframes. Separate a list of animations with semicolons.
# Delete the Animation1, Animation2, and Animation3 Animation Data items if they have less than two effective keyframes. 
DeleteAnimationsWithLessThanTwoEffectiveKeyframes "/Animation Data/Animation1; /Animation Data/Animation2; /Animation Data/Animation3"


Delete the selected project item(s)

Syntax DeleteProjectItem items
items The nodes and resources you want to delete. Separate a list of items with semicolons.
# Delete the RootPage > Viewport 2D node.
DeleteProjectItem "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D"
# Delete the RootPage > Button 2D node and Button 2D prefab.
DeleteProjectItem "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Button 2D; /Prefabs/Button 2D"
# Delete the Library > Materials and Textures > Textures > Default Texture texture.
DeleteProjectItem "/Textures/Default Texture"
# Delete the ColorTextureMaterial material and ColorTexture material type.
DeleteProjectItem "/Materials/ColorTextureMaterial; /Material Types/ColorTexture"



Convert to template bindings those bindings whose source is the template root.

Syntax ConvertBindingsToTemplateBindings targets
targets The node the bindings of which you convert to template bindings.
# In the Prefabs > Toggle Button 2D > Stack Layout 2D and its child nodes convert
# to template bindings those bindings whose source is the template root.
ConvertBindingsToTemplateBindings "/Prefabs/Toggle Button 2D/Toggle Button 2D/Stack Layout 2D"


Convert this Prefab Placeholder 2D node to a Prefab View 2D node.
When you instantiate a prefab with a Prefab View node, Kanzi monitors the value of the Prefab Template property and adds the prefab to which that property points as a child node of the Prefab View node. This allows you to change the prefab that the Prefab View instantiates and to keep your application responsive when it is loading resources.

Syntax ConvertNode2DPrefabPlaceholderToPrefabView2D prefabPlaceholder
prefabPlaceholder The Prefab Placeholder 2D node that you convert to a Prefab View 2D node.
# Convert the RootPage > Toggle Button 2D Prefab Placeholder 2D node to a Prefab View 2D node.
ConvertNode2DPrefabPlaceholderToPrefabView2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Toggle Button 2D"


Convert this Prefab Placeholder 3D node to a Prefab View 3D node.
When you instantiate a prefab with a Prefab View node, Kanzi monitors the value of the Prefab Template property and adds the prefab to which that property points as a child node of the Prefab View node. This allows you to change the prefab that the Prefab View instantiates and to keep your application responsive when it is loading resources.

Syntax ConvertNode3DPrefabPlaceholderToPrefabView3D prefabPlaceholder
prefabPlaceholder The Prefab Placeholder 3D node that you convert to a Prefab View 3D node.
# Convert the RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene > Toggle Button 3D Prefab Placeholder 3D node to a Prefab View 3D node.
ConvertNode3DPrefabPlaceholderToPrefabView3D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene/Toggle Button 3D"


Create prefab templates for the selected nodes and replace the nodes with placeholders pointing to the created templates.

Syntax ConvertNodesToPrefabs nodes
nodes The nodes that you convert to prefabs. Separate a list of nodes with semicolons.
# Convert to prefabs the RootPage > Button 2D and RootPage > Toggle Button 2D nodes.
ConvertNodesToPrefabs "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Button 2D; /Screens/Screen/RootPage/Toggle Button 2D"


Convert this Page Host node to a Page node.
Use the Page nodes to create the structure of the user interface in your application, and the Page Host nodes to manage navigation requests and transitions between Page nodes under a Page Host node.

Syntax ConvertPageHostToPage pageHost
pageHost The Page Host node that you convert to a Page node.
# Convert the Page Host node RootPage > Settings to a Page node.
ConvertPageHostToPage "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Settings"


Convert this Page node to a Page Host node.
Use the Page Host nodes to manage navigation requests and transitions between Page nodes under a Page Host node.

Syntax ConvertPageToPageHost page
page The Page node that you convert to a Page Host node.
# Convert the Page node RootPage > Car to a Page Host node.
ConvertPageToPageHost "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Car"


Convert this Project Reference to a Kzb Reference.

Syntax ConvertProjectReferenceItemToKzbReferenceItem projectReferenceItem
projectReferenceItem The project reference you convert to a kzb file reference.
# Convert the Resources project reference to a kzb file reference.
ConvertProjectReferenceItemToKzbReferenceItem "/Project References/Resources/"

Brush creation


Create a brush

Syntax CreateBrush itemName brushTypeName
itemName The name of the brush.
brushTypeName The type of the brush.
# Create a Color Brush named My Color Brush in the Library > Materials and Textures > Brushes.
CreateBrush "My Color Brush" Kanzi.ColorBrush
# Create a Content Brush named My Content Brush in the Library > Materials and Textures > Brushes.
CreateBrush "My Content Brush" Kanzi.ContentBrush
# Create a Material Brush named My Material Brush in the Library > Materials and Textures > Brushes.
CreateBrush "My Material Brush" Kanzi.MaterialBrush
# Create a Texture Brush named My Texture Brush in the Library > Materials and Textures > Brushes.
CreateBrush "My Texture Brush" Kanzi.TextureBrush

Component creation


Create a 2D node.

Syntax CreateComponentNode2D parent itemName componentTypeName
parent The node in which you create the 2D node.
itemName The name of the 2D node.
componentTypeName The type of the 2D node.
# Create a List Box Item Container 2D prefab named My List Box Item Container in the Prefabs.
CreateComponentNode2D "/Prefabs" "My List Box Item Container" Kanzi.ListBoxItemContainer2D
# Create a Prefab View 2D node named My Prefab View in the RootPage node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Prefab View" Kanzi.PrefabView2D


Create a 3D node.

Syntax CreateComponentNode parent itemName componentTypeName
parent The node in which you create the 3D node.
itemName The name of the 3D node.
componentTypeName The type of the 3D node.
# Create a Dock Layout 3D node named My Dock Layout in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Dock Layout" Kanzi.DockLayout3D
# Create a Flow Layout 3D node named My Flow Layout in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Flow Layout" Kanzi.FlowLayout3D
# Create a Grid Layout 3D node named My Grid Layout in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Grid Layout" Kanzi.GridLayout3D
# Create a Stack Layout 3D node named My Stack Layout in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Stack Layout" Kanzi.StackLayout3D
# Create a Trajectory Layout 3D node named My Trajectory Layout in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Trajectory Layout" Kanzi.TrajectoryLayout3D
# Create a Grid List Box 3D node named My Grid List Box in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Grid List Box" Kanzi.GridListBox3D
# Create a List Box Item Container 3D prefab named My List Box Item Container in the Prefabs.
CreateComponentNode "/Prefabs" "My List Box Item Container" Kanzi.ListBoxItemContainer3D
# Create a Trajectory List Box 3D node named My Trajectory List Box in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Trajectory List Box" Kanzi.TrajectoryListBox3D
# Create a Text Block 3D node named My Text Block in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Text Block" Kanzi.TextBlock3D
# Create a Button 3D node named My Button in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Button" Kanzi.Button3D
# Create a Button 3D prefab named My Button in the Prefabs.
CreateComponentNode "/Prefabs" "My Button" Kanzi.Button3D
# Create a Scroll View 3D node named My Scroll View in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Scroll View" Kanzi.ScrollView3D
# Create a Slider 3D node named My Slider in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Slider 3D" Kanzi.Slider3D
# Create a Toggle Button 3D node named My Toggle Button in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Toggle Button" Kanzi.ToggleButton3D
# Create a Toggle Button Group 3D node named My Toggle Button Group in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Toggle Button Group" Kanzi.ToggleButtonGroup3D
# Create a Prefab View 3D node named My Prefab View in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Prefab View" Kanzi.PrefabView3D

Empty node


Use an Empty Node 2D to group 2D objects and to apply property changes to these objects as a group.

Syntax CreateEmptyNode2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Empty Node 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Empty Node 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Empty Node 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create an Empty Node 2D node named My Empty Node in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Empty Node node.
CreateEmptyNode2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Empty Node" true
# Create an Empty Node 2D prefab named My Empty Node in the Prefabs
# and select the My Empty Node prefab.
CreateEmptyNode2D "/Prefabs" "My Empty Node" true


Use an Empty Node 3D to group 3D objects and to apply property changes to these objects as a group.

Syntax CreateEmptyNode3D parent itemName
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Empty Node 3D node or prefab.
itemName The name of the Empty Node 3D node or prefab.
# Create an Empty Node 3D node named My Empty Node 3D in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateEmptyNode3D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Empty Node 3D"
# Create an Empty Node 3D prefab named My Empty Node 3D in the Prefabs.
CreateEmptyNode3D "/Prefabs" "My Empty Node 3D"

Layout node


Use a Dock Layout 2D to divide objects relative to each other in 2D space.

Syntax CreateDockLayout2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Dock Layout 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Dock Layout 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Dock Layout 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Dock Layout 2D node named My Dock Layout in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Dock Layout node.
CreateDockLayout2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Dock Layout" true
# Create a Dock Layout 2D prefab named My Dock Layout in the Prefabs
# and select the My Dock Layout prefab.
CreateDockLayout2D "/Prefabs" "My Dock Layout" true


Use a Flow Layout 2D to place 2D objects in rows in 2D space. When a row is full, it places objects in a new row.

Syntax CreateFlowLayout2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Flow Layout 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Flow Layout 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Flow Layout 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Flow Layout 2D node named My Flow Layout in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Flow Layout node.
CreateFlowLayout2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Flow Layout" true
# Create a Flow Layout 2D prefab named My Flow Layout in the Prefabs
# and select the My Flow Layout prefab.
CreateFlowLayout2D "/Prefabs" "My Flow Layout" true


Use a Grid Layout 2D to arrange 2D content in a grid in 2D space.

Syntax CreateGridLayout2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Grid Layout 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Grid Layout 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Grid Layout 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Grid Layout 2D node named My Grid Layout in the Screen > RootPage node 
# and select the My Grid Layout node.
CreateGridLayout2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Grid Layout" true
# Create a Grid Layout 2D prefab named My Grid Layout in the Prefabs
# and select the My Grid Layout prefab.
CreateGridLayout2D "/Prefabs" "My Grid Layout" true


Use a Stack Layout 2D to arrange content in a stack on the selected axis in 2D space.

Syntax CreateStackLayout2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Stack Layout 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Stack Layout 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Stack Layout 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Stack Layout 2D node named My Stack Layout in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Stack Layout node.
CreateStackLayout2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Stack Layout" true
# Create a Stack Layout 2D prefab named My Stack Layout in the Prefabs
# and select the My Stack Layout prefab.
CreateStackLayout2D "/Prefabs" "My Stack Layout" true


Use a Trajectory Layout 2D to arrange content along a trajectory path in 2D space.

Syntax CreateTrajectoryLayout2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Trajectory Layout 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Trajectory Layout 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Trajectory Layout 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Trajectory Layout 2D node named My Trajectory Layout in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Trajectory Layout node.
CreateTrajectoryLayout2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Trajectory Layout" true
# Create a Trajectory Layout 2D prefab named My Trajectory Layout in the Prefabs
# and select the My Trajectory Layout prefab.
CreateTrajectoryLayout2D "/Prefabs" "My Trajectory Layout" true

Container node


Use a Grid List Box 2D to arrange 2D content in a grid in 2D space.

Syntax CreateGridListBox2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Grid List Box 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Grid List Box 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Grid List Box 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Grid List Box 2D node named My Grid List Box in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Grid List Box node.
CreateGridListBox2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Grid List Box" true
# Create a Grid List Box 2D prefab named My Grid List Box in the Prefabs
# and select the My Grid List Box prefab.
CreateGridListBox2D "/Prefabs" "My Grid List Box" true

Content node


Use an Image to display a single or a render target texture.

Syntax CreateImage2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Image node or prefab.
name The name of the Image node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Image node or prefab that you created.
# Create an Image node named My Image in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Image node.
CreateImage2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Image" true
# Create an Image prefab named My Image in the Prefabs
# and select the My Image prefab.
CreateImage2D "/Prefabs" "My Image" true


Use a Page to add structure to your Kanzi application.

Syntax CreatePage parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Page node or prefab.
name The name of the Page node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Page node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Page node named Media Page in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the Media Page node.
CreatePage "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "Media Page" true
# Create a Page prefab named My Page in the Prefabs and select the My Page prefab.
CreatePage "/Prefabs" "My Page" true


Use Page Host to manage the navigation between Page nodes within its subtree.

Syntax CreatePageHost parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Page Host node or prefab.
name The name of the Page Host node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Page Host node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Page Host node named Main Page Host in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the Main Page Host node.
CreatePageHost "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "Main Page Host" true
# Create a Page Host prefab named My Page Host in the Prefabs and select the My Page Host prefab.
CreatePageHost "/Prefabs" "My Page Host" true


Use a Progressive Rendering Viewport 2D to display a view into a 3D scene through a camera.

Syntax CreateProgressiveRenderingNode2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Progressive Rendering Viewport 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Progressive Rendering Viewport 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Progressive Rendering Viewport 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Progressive Rendering Viewport 2D node named My Progressive Rendering Viewport
# in the Screen > RootPage node and select the Progressive Rendering Viewport node.
CreateProgressiveRenderingNode2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Progressive Rendering Viewport" true
# Create a Progressive Rendering Viewport 2D prefab named My Progressive Rendering Viewport
# in the Prefabs and select the My Progressive Rendering Viewport prefab.
CreateProgressiveRenderingNode2D "/Prefabs" "My Progressive Rendering Viewport" true


Use a Text Block 2D to display text in 2D space. It uses fonts to render text and has location and orientation in 2D space.

Syntax CreateTextBlock2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Text Block 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Text Block 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Text Block 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Text Block 2D node named My Text Block in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Text Block node.
CreateTextBlock2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Text Block" true
# Create a Text Block 2D prefab named My Text Block in the Prefabs
# and select the My Text Block prefab.
CreateTextBlock2D "/Prefabs" "My Text Block" true


Use a Viewport 2D to display a view into a 3D scene through a camera.

Syntax CreateViewport2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Viewport 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Viewport 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Viewport 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Viewport 2D node named My Viewport in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Viewport node.
CreateViewport2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Viewport" true
# Create a Viewport 2D prefab named My Viewport in the Prefabs
# and select the My Viewport prefab.
CreateViewport2D "/Prefabs" "My Viewport" true

Interactivity node


Use a Button 2D to create buttons in 2D space.

Syntax CreateButton2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Button 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Button 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Button 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Button 2D node named My Button in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Button node.
CreateButton2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Button" true
# Create a Button 2D prefab named My Button in the Prefabs
# and select the My Button prefab.
CreateButton2D "/Prefabs" "My Button" true
# In the My Button prefab create an Image node named Image
# but do not select the Image node.
CreateImage2D "/Prefabs/My Button/My Button" Image false


Use a Scroll View 2D to get user input from scroll gestures in 2D space.

Syntax CreateScrollView2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Scroll View 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Scroll View 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Scroll View 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Scroll View 2D node named My Scroll View in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Scroll View node.
CreateScrollView2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Scroll View" true
# Create a Scroll View 2D prefab named My Scroll View in the Prefabs
# and select the My Scroll View prefab.
CreateScrollView2D "/Prefabs" "My Scroll View" true


Use a Slider 2D to allow users to set a value between a set of minimum and maximum values in 2D space.

Syntax CreateSlider2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Slider 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Slider 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Slider 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Slider 2D node named My Slider in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Slider node.
CreateSlider2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Slider" true
# Create a Slider 2D prefab named My Slider in the Prefabs
# and select the My Slider prefab.
CreateSlider2D "/Prefabs" "My Slider" true


Use a Toggle Button 2D to create buttons with multiple toggle states in 2D space.

Syntax CreateToggleButton2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Toggle Button 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Toggle Button 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Toggle Button 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Toggle Button 2D node named My Toggle Button in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Toggle Button node.
CreateToggleButton2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Toggle Button" true
# Create a Toggle Button 2D prefab named My Toggle Button in the Prefabs
# and select the My Toggle Button prefab.
CreateToggleButton2D "/Prefabs" "My Toggle Button" true
# In the My Toggle Button prefab create an Image node named Image
# but do not select the Image node.
CreateImage2D "/Prefabs/My Toggle Button/My Toggle Button" Image false


Use a Toggle Button Group 2D to group toggle buttons in 2D space where only one can be active at a time. Toggle buttons in a group behave like radio buttons.

Syntax CreateToggleButtonGroup2D parent name selectNewItems
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Toggle Button Group 2D node or prefab.
name The name of the Toggle Button Group 2D node or prefab.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Toggle Button Group 2D node or prefab that you created.
# Create a Toggle Button Group 2D node named My Toggle Button Group in the Screen > RootPage node
# and select the My Toggle Button Group node.
CreateToggleButtonGroup2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Toggle Button Group" true
# Create a Toggle Button Group 2D prefab named My Toggle Button Group in the Prefabs
# and select the My Toggle Button Group prefab.
CreateToggleButtonGroup2D "/Prefabs" "My Toggle Button Group" true

Material creation


Create a material.

Syntax CreateMaterial materialName selectNewItem materialType
materialName The name of the material.
selectNewItem Whether Kanzi Studio selects the material.
materialType The material type that the material uses.
# Create a material named My Material in the Library > Materials and Textures > Materials,
# select the material, and set the material to use the My Material Type material type.
CreateMaterial "My Material" true "/Material Types/My Material Type"


Create a material type.

Syntax CreateMaterialType materialTypeName createMaterial
materialTypeName The name of the material type.
createMaterial (Optional) Whether Kanzi Studio also creates a material which uses the material Type. The default value is false.
# Create a material type named My Material Type in the Library > Materials and Textures > Material Types,
# and create a material named My Material Type Material which uses My Material Type.
CreateMaterialType "My Material Type" true

Primitive creation


Create a cube mesh centered in its origin.

Syntax CreateBoxNode parent itemName
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Box node or prefab.
itemName The name of the Box node or prefab.
# Create a Box node named My Box in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateBoxNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Box"
# Create a Box prefab named My Box in the Prefabs.
CreateBoxNode "/Prefabs" "My Box"


Use a Model to add imported 3D models created in third-party tools to your Kanzi application.

Syntax CreateMeshNode parent itemName mesh
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Model node or prefab.
itemName The name of the Model node or prefab.
mesh (Optional) The Mesh that the Model shows.
# Create a Model node named My Model in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node
# and set the Mesh property of My Model to the My Mesh mesh.
CreateMeshNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Model" "/Mesh Data/My Mesh"
# Create a Model prefab named My Model in the Prefabs.
CreateMeshNode "/Prefabs" "My Model"


Create a filled planar mesh with four vertices.

Syntax CreatePlaneNode parent itemName
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Plane node or prefab.
itemName The name of the Plane node or prefab.
# Create a Plane node named My Plane in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreatePlaneNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Plane"
# Create a Plane prefab named My Plane in the Prefabs.
CreatePlaneNode "/Prefabs" "My Plane"


Create a sphere mesh centered in its origin.

Syntax CreateSphereNode parent itemName
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Sphere node or prefab.
itemName The name of the Sphere node or prefab.
# Create a Sphere node named My Sphere in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateSphereNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Sphere"
# Create a Sphere prefab named My Sphere in the Prefabs.
CreateSphereNode "/Prefabs" "My Sphere"

Node 3D creation


Use a Scene node to show 3D content in your Kanzi application. A Scene node can contain light nodes, Camera node, and any other 3D node.

Syntax CreateScene parent itemName createCameraAndLight
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Scene node or prefab.
itemName The name of the Viewport 2D node or prefab.
createCameraAndLight (Optional) Whether to create in the Scene node a Camera node and a Directional Light. The default value is true.
# Create a Scene node named My Scene in the RootPage > My Viewport node,
# and in the My Scene node create a Camera node and a Directional Light node.
CreateScene "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/My Viewport" "My Scene"
# Create a Scene prefab named My Scene in the Prefabs.
# Do not create a Camera and a Directional Light node in My Scene prefab.
CreateScene "/Prefabs" "My Scene" false

Helper node 3D creation


Use a Camera node to show the content of a Scene in your Kanzi Studio project and in your Kanzi application.

Syntax CreateCameraNode parent itemName
parent The node in which you create the Camera node.
itemName The name of the Camera node.
# Create a Camera node named Camera in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateCameraNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" Camera
Syntax CreateCameraNode parent itemName activateAsPreviewCamera setAsDefaultCamera3D setDefaultOrientation
parent The node in which you create the Camera node.
itemName The name of the Camera node.
activateAsPreviewCamera Whether to activate the camera as the Preview camera.
setAsDefaultCamera3D Whether to set the camera as the default camera.
setDefaultOrientation Whether to set the Layout Transformation to the default orientation.
# Create a Camera node named Camera in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node,
# activate the camera as the Preview camera, set the camera as the default camera,
# and set the Layout Transformation to the default orientation.
CreateCameraNode Camera "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" true true true


Directional Light emits light only in one direction. You can use Directional Light to model sunlight. By default each Scene node contains a Directional Light.

Syntax CreateDirectionalLightNode itemName parent
itemName The name of the light node.
parent The node in which you create the light node.
# Create a Directional Light node named My Directional Light in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateDirectionalLightNode "My Directional Light" "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene"


Use an Instantiator node to create a copy of the object it targets. Instantiated nodes are not interactive.

Syntax CreateInstantiatorNode parent itemName target
parent The node in which you create the Instantiator node.
itemName The name of the Instantiator node.
target (Optional) The node that the Instantiator node instantiates.
# Create an Instantiator node named My Instantiator in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateInstantiatorNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Instantiator"
# Instantiate the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene > Directional Light node into
# an Instantiator node named Directional Light Instance in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateInstantiatorNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "Directional Light Instance" "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene/Directional Light"


Use a Level of Detail node to display one object based on its relation to the view camera. A Level of Detail is similar to an Empty Node 3D.

Syntax CreateLevelOfDetailNode parent itemName
parent The node or prefab in which you create the Level of Detail node or prefab.
itemName The name of the Level of Detail node or prefab.
# Create a Level of Detail node named My Level of Detail in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateLevelOfDetailNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Level of Detail"
# Create a Level of Detail prefab named My Level of Detail in the Prefabs.
CreateLevelOfDetailNode "/Prefabs" "My Level of Detail"


Point Light emits light from a specific location uniformly to all directions (360 degrees).

Syntax CreatePointLightNode itemName parent
itemName The name of the light node.
parent The node in which you create the light node.
# Create a Point Light node named My Point Light in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreatePointLightNode "My Point Light" "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene"


Spot Light emits light from a specific location towards a specified direction in the shape of a cone.

Syntax CreateSpotLightNode itemName parent
itemName The name of the light node.
parent The node in which you create the light node.
# Create a Spot Light node named My Spot Light in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateSpotLightNode "My Spot Light" "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene"

Render pass creation


Create a render pass.

Syntax CreateRenderPass parent itemName renderPassTypeName
parent The render pass library or render pass in which you create the render pass.
itemName The name of the render pass.
renderPassTypeName The type of the render pass.
# Create a Group Render Pass named Group in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes.
CreateRenderPass "/Render Passes" Group Kanzi.RenderPass
# Create a Clear Render Pass named Clear in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes > Group.
CreateRenderPass "/Render Passes/Group" Clear Kanzi.ClearRenderPass
# Create a Draw Objects Render Pass named Draw in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes > Group.
CreateRenderPass "/Render Passes/Group" Draw Kanzi.DrawObjectsRenderPass
# Create the render passes that you need to render content to a composition target:
# Create a Group Render Pass named Render Composition Target in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes.
CreateRenderPass "/Render Passes" "Render Composition Target" Kanzi.RenderPass
# In the Render Composition Target create a Composition Target Render Pass named Composition Target Render Pass.
CreateRenderPass "/Render Passes/Render Composition Target" "Composition Target Render Pass" Kanzi.CompositionTargetRenderPass
# In the Composition Target Render Pass create a Default Render Pass which contains
# a basic set of render passes that first render opaque nodes and then transparent nodes.
CreateDefaultRenderPassTree "/Render Passes/Render Composition Target/Composition Target Render Pass" "Default Render Pass"
# In the Render Composition Target create a Blit Render Pass named Blit Render Pass.
CreateRenderPass "/Render Passes/Render Composition Target" "Blit Render Pass" Kanzi.BlitRenderPass
# In the Blit Render Pass set the Texture0 property to the Composition Target Render Pass.
SetProperty "/Render Passes/Render Composition Target/Blit Render Pass" BlitRenderPass.Texture0 "/Render Passes/Render Composition Target/Composition Target Render Pass"
# Create a Pipeline State Render Pass named Pipeline State in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes.
CreateRenderPass "/Render Passes" "Pipeline State" Kanzi.PipelineStateRenderPass
# Create a Draw Objects With Material Render Pass named Draw Objects with Material in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes.
CreateRenderPass "/Render Passes" "Draw Objects with Material" Kanzi.DrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass
# Create a Material Setup Render Pass named Material Setup in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes.
CreateRenderPass "/Render Passes" "Material Setup" Kanzi.MaterialSetupRenderPass

Render pass preset creation


Use the Compose and Blit Pass render pass template to create the render passes that you need to blit a Composition Target Render Pass using a specific material.

Syntax CreateComposeAndBlitRenderPassTree parent itemName
parent The render pass library or render pass in which you create the Compose and Blit Pass template.
itemName The name of the render pass template.
# Create a Compose and Blit Pass named Compose and Blit in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes.
# The Compose and Blit Pass template creates the render passes that you need to blit
# a Composition Target Render Pass using a specific material.
CreateComposeAndBlitRenderPassTree "/Render Passes" "Compose and Blit"


Use the Default Render Pass template to create a basic set of render passes you need to get started. The Default Render Pass first renders opaque nodes and then transparent nodes.

Syntax CreateDefaultRenderPassTree parent itemName
parent The render pass library or render pass in which you create the Default Render Pass template.
itemName The name of the render pass template.
# Create a Default Render Pass named Default Rendering in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes.
# The Default Render Pass template creates a basic set of render passes that first render opaque nodes and then transparent nodes.
CreateDefaultRenderPassTree "/Render Passes" "Default Rendering"


Use the Render to Texture Pass template to create the render passes you need to render to a texture.

Syntax CreateRenderToTexturePassTree parent itemName
parent The render pass library or render pass in which you create the Render to Texture Pass template.
itemName The name of the render pass template.
# Create a Render to Texture Pass named Render to Texture in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes.
# The Render to Texture Pass template creates the render passes that you need to render to a texture. 
CreateRenderToTexturePassTree "/Render Passes" "Render to Texture"

Misc creation


Create a data source.

Syntax CreateDataSource itemName dataSourceTypeName
itemName The name of the data source.
dataSourceTypeName The name of the data source type as declared in the Kanzi Engine data source plugin code.
# Create a data source named Cluster of the type CustomDataSourceType.
CreateDataSource Cluster CustomDataSourceType
# To create data objects from the Cluster data source, update the data source.
UpdateDataSourceContents "/Data Sources/Cluster/"


Create a locale.

Syntax CreateLocale parent name
parent The Localization Table in which you create the locale.
name The name of the locale.
# Create a Locale named fi-FI in the Library > Localization > My Localization Table.
CreateLocale "/Localization/My Localization Table" fi-FI


Create a localization table.

Syntax CreateLocalizationTable name selectNewItems
name The name of the Localization Table.
selectNewItems (Optional) Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Localization Table. The default value is false.
# Create a Localization Table named My Localization Table in the Library > Localization.
CreateLocalizationTable "My Localization Table"


Use a Prefab Placeholder 3D node to instantiate a 3D prefab.
Kanzi replaces the Prefab Placeholder node with the root node of the prefab it instantiates.

Syntax CreateNode3DPrefabPlaceholder parent itemName prefabTemplate
parent The node in which you create the Prefab Placeholder 3D node.
itemName The name of the Prefab Placeholder 3D node.
prefabTemplate (Optional) The prefab template which you set the Prefab Placeholder 3D node to use.
# Create a Prefab Placeholder 3D node named My Prefab Placeholder 3D in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateNode3DPrefabPlaceholder "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Prefab Placeholder 3D"
# Create a Prefab Placeholder 3D node named My Prefab Placeholder 3D in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node
# and set the Prefab Template property of the My Prefab Placeholder 3D node to the Prefabs > Toggle Button 3D prefab.
CreateNode3DPrefabPlaceholder "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Prefab Placeholder 3D" "/Prefabs/Toggle Button 3D"


Creates a resources dictionary in the selected node.

Syntax CreateResourceDictionary parent
parent The node to which you add the resource dictionary.
# Add a resource dictionary to the RootPage node.
CreateResourceDictionary "/Screens/Screen/RootPage"


Create a state item in a state group.

Syntax CreateState parent name selectNewItems
parent The state group in which you create the state.
name The name of the state.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the state.
# Create states named State1 and State 2 in the Library > State Managers > My State Manager > State Group.
# Do not select the states.
CreateState "/State Managers/My State Manager/State Group" "State 1" false
CreateState "/State Managers/My State Manager/State Group" "State 2" false


Create a state group.

Syntax CreateStateGroup parent name selectNewItems
parent The state manager in which you create the state group.
name The name of the state group.
selectNewItems (Optional) Whether Kanzi Studio selects the state group. The default value is true.
# Create a state group named State Group in the Library > State Managers > My State Manager.
# Do not select the state group.
CreateStateGroup "/State Managers/My State Manager" "State Group" false


Create a state manager.

Syntax CreateStateManager itemName selectNewItems
itemName The name of the state manager.
selectNewItems (Optional) Whether Kanzi Studio selects the state manager. The default value is true.
# Create a state manager named My State Manager in the Library > State Managers and select My State Manager.
CreateStateManager "My State Manager"
# Create a state manager named My State Manager in the Library > State Managers but do not select the state manager.
CreateStateManager "My State Manager" false
Syntax CreateStateManager itemName selectNewItems createContent
itemName The name of the state manager.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the state manager.
createContent Whether to create in the state manager a state group with two states.
# Create a state manager named My State Manager in the Library > State Managers,
# select the state manager, and in the state manager create a state group with two states.
CreateStateManager "My State Manager" true true


Create a child state object under a state

Syntax CreateStateWithTarget parent name stateObjectPath selectNewItems
parent The state in which you create the state object.
name The name of the state object.
stateObjectPath The value of the Target Object Path property of the state object.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the state object.
# Create a state object named Car Object in the Library > State Managers > My State Manager > State Group > State 1 state,
# and set the Target Object Path property to Car. Do not select the Car Object state object.
CreateStateWithTarget "/State Managers/My State Manager/State Group/State 1" "Car Object" "Car" false
Syntax CreateStateWithTarget name parent selectNewItems
name The name of the state object.
parent The state in which you create the state object.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the state object.
# Create a state object named State Object in the Library > State Managers > My State Manager > State Group > State 1 state.
# Do not select the state object.
CreateStateWithTarget "State Object" "/State Managers/My State Manager/State Group/State 1" false


Use a Tag to categorize project objects. You can assign multiple tags to an object.

Syntax CreateTag itemName selectNewItems
itemName The name of the tag.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the tag.
# Create a tag named My Tag in the Library > Tags and select the tag.
CreateTag "My Tag" true


Create a theme.

Syntax CreateTheme parent name
parent The Theme Group in which you create the Theme.
name The name of the Theme.
# Create a Theme named Classic in the Cluster Themes theme group.
CreateTheme "/Themes/Cluster Themes" Classic


Create a theme group.

Syntax CreateThemeGroup name selectNewItems
name The name of the Theme Group.
selectNewItems (Optional) Whether Kanzi Studio selects the Theme Group. The default value is false.
# Create a Theme Group named Cluster Theme in the Library > Themes.
CreateThemeGroup "Cluster Theme"


Export the localization table template to a .pot file, and as many .po files as there are locales in that localization table to <ProjectName>/Localization/<LocalizationTableName>.

Syntax ExportLocalizationTable localizationTable localizationDirectoryPath
localizationTable The localization table that you export.
localizationDirectoryPath The directory to which you export the localization table.
# Export the Library > Localization > Localization Table to the C:\Temp directory.
# Kanzi Studio creates the C:\Temp\Localization Table directory, and exports to the directory 
# the localization table template to a .pot file, and as many .po files as you have locales
# in that localization table.
ExportLocalizationTable "/Localization/Localization Table" "C:\Temp"


Import Kanzi Engine plugin. During import the components, property types, messages and triggers contained in the plugin become available to the project.

Syntax ImportEnginePlugin loadPath existingPlugin
loadPath To update an existing Kanzi Engine plugin leave this parameter empty.
existingPlugin The Kanzi Engine plugin that you update.
# Update the XML_data_source Kanzi Engine plugin in the project.
# You leave the first parameter empty because you do not import a new plugin to the project.
ImportEnginePlugin "" "/Kanzi Engine Plugins/XML_data_source"
Syntax ImportEnginePlugin existingPluginDLL
existingPluginDLL The Kanzi Engine plugin DLL.
# Import the Kanzi Engine plugin DLL MyPluginProject\Application\lib\Win32\GL_vs2015_Debug_DLL\MyPluginProject.dll.
# Kanzi Studio adds to the Library > Kanzi Engine Plugins a reference to the Kanzi Engine plugin DLL that you import.
ImportEnginePlugin "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyPluginProject\Application\lib\Win32\GL_vs2015_Debug_DLL\MyPluginProject.dll"


Adds a tag to a set of items.

Syntax TagItems tags itemsToTag
tags The tags that you assign. Separate a list of tags with semicolons.
itemsToTag The nodes to which you assign the tags. Separate a list of nodes with semicolons.
# Create a tag named Lights in the Library > Tags and select the tag.
CreateTag "Lights" true
# Create a Spot Light node named Spot Light in the Screen > RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node.
CreateSpotLightNode "Spot Light" "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene"
# Tag the Directional Light and Spot Light nodes with the Lights tag.
TagItems "/Tags/Lights" "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene/Directional Light; /Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene/Spot Light"


Read and cache data from data source for creating data bindings in UI.

Syntax UpdateDataSourceContents dataSource
dataSource The data source that you update.
# Update the Cluster data source.
UpdateDataSourceContents "/Data Sources/Cluster/"


Read and cache data from data sources defined in this project for creating data bindings in UI.

Syntax UpdateProjectDataSources
# Update all data sources in the project.


To see changes in the custom nodes, property types, triggers, and actions that the Kanzi Engine plugins in this project define, load the latest versions of the plugins.

Syntax UpdateProjectEnginePlugins
# Update all Kanzi Engine plugins in the project.


Read and cache data from data sources defined in this solution for creating data bindings in UI.

Syntax UpdateSolutionDataSources
# Update all data sources in the project and all referenced projects.


To see changes in the custom nodes, property types, triggers, and actions that the Kanzi Engine plugins in this solution define, load the latest versions of the plugins.

Syntax UpdateSolutionEnginePlugins
# Update all Kanzi Engine plugins in the project and all referenced projects.

Object source creation


Use a Combine Object Source to collect and combine nodes from one or more input sources, such as filters.

Syntax CreateCombineObjectSource itemName
itemName The name of the Combine Object Source.
# Create a Combine Object Source named My Combine Object Source in the Library > Rendering > Object Sources.
CreateCombineObjectSource "My Combine Object Source"
# In My Combine Object Source set the Inputs list to contain the Transparent and My Tag Filter filters.
SetProperty "/Object Sources/My Combine Object Source" CombineObjectSourceInputs "/Object Sources/Transparent#/Object Sources/My Tag Filter"


Use a Contains Property Filter to collect nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property.

Syntax CreateContainsPropertyFilterObjectSource itemName
itemName The name of the filter.
# Create a Contains Property Filter named My Contains Property Filter
# in the Library > Rendering > Object Sources.
CreateContainsPropertyFilterObjectSource "My Contains Property Filter"
# In My Contains Property Filter set the Property Type property to Ambient Color (Ambient).
SetProperty "/Object Sources/My Contains Property Filter" ContainsPropertyFilterPropertyTypeName Ambient
# In My Contains Property Filter set the Operation property to EXCLUDE.
SetProperty "/Object Sources/My Contains Property Filter" ContainsPropertyFilterOperation EXCLUDE


Use a Sorting Filter to either order nodes by their position on the z axis or to group them by their material type.

Syntax CreateFixedSortFilterObjectSource itemName
itemName The name of the filter.
# Create a Sorting Filter named My Sorting Filter in the Library > Rendering > Object Sources.
CreateFixedSortFilterObjectSource "My Sorting Filter"
# Set the Sorting Type property of My Sorting Filter to Material type.
SetProperty "/Object Sources/My Sorting Filter" FixedSortType MATERIAL_TYPE
# In My Sorting Filter set the Reverse Order property to enabled.
SetProperty "/Object Sources/My Sorting Filter" FixedSortReverse true


Use an Object Type Filter to collect nodes based on their type.

Syntax CreateObjectTypeFilterObjectSource itemName
itemName The name of the filter.
# Create an Object Type Filter named My Object Type Filter in the Library > Rendering > Object Sources.
CreateObjectTypeFilterObjectSource "My Object Type Filter"
# In My Object Type Filter set the Type property to Light.
SetProperty "/Object Sources/My Object Type Filter" ObjectTypeFilterObjectType LIGHT
# In My Object Type Filter set the Operation property to Exclude.
SetProperty "/Object Sources/My Object Type Filter" ObjectTypeFilterOperation EXCLUDE


Use a Property is Equal Filter to collect nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property the value of which matches a specific value.

Syntax CreatePropertyIsEqualObjectSource itemName
itemName The name of the filter.
# Create a Property Is Equal Filter named My Property Is Equal Filter in the Library > Rendering > Object Sources.
CreatePropertyIsEqualObjectSource "My Property Is Equal Filter"


Use a Tag Filter to collect the nodes that have a specific tag assigned.

Syntax CreateTagFilter itemName
itemName The name of the filter.
# Create a Tag Filter named My Tag Filter in the Library > Rendering > Object Sources.
CreateTagFilter "My Tag Filter"
# Create a tag named My Tag in the Library > Tags.
CreateTag "My Tag" false
# Create a tag named Lights in the Library > Tags.
CreateTag "Lights" false
# In My Tag Filter set the Included Tags list to contain the My Tag and Lights tags.
SetProperty "/Object Sources/My Tag Filter" TagFilterIncludeList "/Tags/My Tag#/Tags/Lights"
# In My Tag Filter set the Excluded Tags list to contain the Transparent tag.
SetProperty "/Object Sources/My Tag Filter" TagFilterExcludeList "/Tags/Transparent"

Texture creation


Use a Render Target Texture to dynamically render content from 2D layouts into a texture.

Syntax CreateRenderTargetTexture textureName
textureName The name of the texture.
# Create a render target texture named My Render Target Texture in the Library > Materials and Textures > Textures.
CreateRenderTargetTexture "My Render Target Texture"
# In My Render Target Texture set the Width and Height properties to 256.
SetProperty "/Textures/My Render Target Texture" RenderTargetTextureWidth 256
SetProperty "/Textures/My Render Target Texture" RenderTargetTextureHeight 256


Use a Single Texture when you want to use a single image as a texture.

Syntax CreateSingleTexture textureName image
textureName The name of the texture.
image (Optional) The image resource that you set the texture to use.
# Create a single texture named My Single Texture in the Library > Materials and Textures > Textures.
CreateSingleTexture "My Single Texture"
# Create a single texture named Image01 Texture in the Library > Materials and Textures > Textures and
# set the texture to use the Library > Resource Files > Images > Image01.png image.
CreateSingleTexture "Image01 Texture" "/Resource Files/Images/Image01.png"

Trajectory creation


Use an Angle Trajectory to create a path where two straight lines form an angle in 3D space.

Syntax CreateAngleTrajectory itemName
itemName The name of the trajectory.
# Create an Angle Trajectory named My Angle Trajectory in the Library > Trajectories.
CreateAngleTrajectory "My Angle Trajectory"
Syntax CreateAngleTrajectory itemName selectNewItems resourceDictionary
itemName The name of the trajectory.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the trajectory that you created.
resourceDictionary The resource dictionary to which you add the trajectory.
# Create an Angle Trajectory named My Angle Trajectory and add it to the resource dictionary of the Screen node.
CreateAngleTrajectory "My Angle Trajectory" false "/Screens/Screen/<ResourceDictionaryInNode>"


Use an Arc Trajectory to create a path in the shape of an arc in 3D space.

Syntax CreateArcTrajectory itemName
itemName The name of the trajectory.
# Create an Arc Trajectory named My Arc Trajectory in the Library > Trajectories.
CreateArcTrajectory "My Arc Trajectory"
Syntax CreateArcTrajectory library itemName selectNewItems resourceDictionary
library (Optional) The Trajectory Library in which you create the trajectory.
itemName The name of the trajectory.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the trajectory that you created.
resourceDictionary The resource dictionary to which you add the trajectory.
# Create an Arc Trajectory named My Arc Trajectory and add it to the resource dictionary of the Screen node.
CreateArcTrajectory "My Arc Trajectory" false "/Screens/Screen/<ResourceDictionaryInNode>"


Use a Circle Trajectory to create a path in the shape of a circle in 3D space.

Syntax CreateCircleTrajectory itemName
itemName The name of the trajectory.
# Create a Circle Trajectory named My Circle Trajectory in the Library > Trajectories.
CreateCircleTrajectory "My Circle Trajectory"
Syntax CreateCircleTrajectory library itemName resourceDictionary
library (Optional) The Trajectory Library in which you create the trajectory.
itemName The name of the trajectory.
resourceDictionary The resource dictionary to which you add the trajectory.
# Create a Circle Trajectory named My Circle Trajectory and add it to the resource dictionary of the Screen node.
CreateCircleTrajectory "My Circle Trajectory" "/Screens/Screen/<ResourceDictionaryInNode>"


Use an Ellipse Trajectory to create a path in the shape of an ellipse in 3D space.

Syntax CreateEllipseTrajectory itemName
itemName The name of the trajectory.
# Create an Ellipse Trajectory named My Ellipse Trajectory in the Library > Trajectories.
CreateEllipseTrajectory "My Ellipse Trajectory"
Syntax CreateEllipseTrajectory library itemName selectNewItems resourceDictionary
library (Optional) The Trajectory Library in which you create the trajectory.
itemName The name of the trajectory.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the trajectory that you created.
resourceDictionary The resource dictionary to which you add the trajectory.
# Create an Ellipse Trajectory named My Ellipse Trajectory and add it to the resource dictionary of the Screen node.
CreateEllipseTrajectory "My Ellipse Trajectory" false "/Screens/Screen/<ResourceDictionaryInNode>"


Use a Line Trajectory to create a path with a single straight line in 3D space.

Syntax CreateLineTrajectory itemName
itemName The name of the trajectory.
# Create a Line Trajectory named My Line Trajectory in the Library > Trajectories.
CreateLineTrajectory "My Line Trajectory"
Syntax CreateLineTrajectory library itemName selectNewItems resourceDictionary
library (Optional) The Trajectory Library in which you create the trajectory.
itemName The name of the trajectory.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the trajectory that you created.
resourceDictionary The resource dictionary to which you add the trajectory.
# Create a Line Trajectory named My Line Trajectory and add it to the resource dictionary of the Screen node.
CreateLineTrajectory "My Line Trajectory" false "/Screens/Screen/<ResourceDictionaryInNode>"


Use a Rectangle Trajectory to create a path in the shape of a rectangle in 3D space.

Syntax CreateRectangleTrajectory itemName
itemName The name of the trajectory.
# Create a Rectangle Trajectory named My Rectangle Trajectory in the Library > Trajectories.
CreateRectangleTrajectory "My Rectangle Trajectory"
Syntax CreateRectangleTrajectory library itemName selectNewItems resourceDictionary
library (Optional) The Trajectory Library in which you create the trajectory.
itemName The name of the trajectory.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the trajectory that you created.
resourceDictionary The resource dictionary to which you add the trajectory.
# Create a Rectangle Trajectory named My Rectangle Trajectory and add it to the resource dictionary of the Screen node.
CreateRectangleTrajectory "My Rectangle Trajectory" false "/Screens/Screen/<ResourceDictionaryInNode>"


Use a Spiral Trajectory to create a path in the shape of a spiral in 3D space.

Syntax CreateSpiralTrajectory itemName
itemName The name of the trajectory.
# Create a Spiral Trajectory named My Spiral Trajectory in the Library > Trajectories.
CreateSpiralTrajectory "My Spiral Trajectory"
Syntax CreateSpiralTrajectory library itemName selectNewItems resourceDictionary
library (Optional) The Trajectory Library in which you create the trajectory.
itemName The name of the trajectory.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the trajectory that you created.
resourceDictionary The resource dictionary to which you add the trajectory.
# Create a Spiral Trajectory named My Spiral Trajectory and add it to the resource dictionary of the Screen node.
CreateSpiralTrajectory "My Spiral Trajectory" false "/Screens/Screen/<ResourceDictionaryInNode>"


Use a Trapezoid Trajectory to create a path in the shape of a trapezoid in 3D space.

Syntax CreateTrapezoidTrajectory itemName
itemName The name of the trajectory.
# Create a Trapezoid Trajectory named My Trapezoid Trajectory in the Library > Trajectories.
CreateTrapezoidTrajectory "My Trapezoid Trajectory"
Syntax CreateTrapezoidTrajectory library itemName selectNewItems resourceDictionary
library (Optional) The Trajectory Library in which you create the trajectory.
itemName The name of the trajectory.
selectNewItems Whether Kanzi Studio selects the trajectory that you created.
resourceDictionary The resource dictionary to which you add the trajectory.
# Create a Trapezoid Trajectory named My Trapezoid Trajectory and add it to the resource dictionary of the Screen node.
CreateTrapezoidTrajectory "My Trapezoid Trajectory" false "/Screens/Screen/<ResourceDictionaryInNode>"



Import images into project

Syntax ImportImages filePath createTextures
filePath The path to the image you import.
createTextures Whether to create a texture of the image.
# Import the C:\Temp\Image.png image to the project and create a single texture of the image.
ImportImages "C:\Temp\Image.png" true



Delete the cache files that Kanzi Studio created in the project directory when you opened the project or exported the kzb file.

Syntax CleanCachedFiles
# Delete the cache files that Kanzi Studio created in the project directory when you opened the project or exported the kzb file.


Close the currently open primary project and its referenced projects.

Syntax CloseSolution
# Close all projects.


Preprocess the selected images. Preprocessing can include image compression and the generation of mipmaps.

Syntax CompressImage imageFiles
imageFiles The image files that you want to preprocess.
# Preprocess the images Car.png and Background.png.
CompressImage "/Resource Files/Images/Image01.png; /Resource Files/Images/Image02.png"


Delete all exported files from the directory set in the Project > Properties in the Binary Export Directory property. This command deletes all exported files, including those from other projects.

Syntax DeleteExportedBinaries
# Delete the kzb files from the location set in the main project properties in the Binary Export Directory property.
Syntax DeleteExportedBinaries exportDirectory
exportDirectory The directory from which you want to delete kzb files.
# Delete all kzb files from the C:\Temp directory.
DeleteExportedBinaries "C:\Temp"


Close Kanzi Studio

Syntax ExitApplication allowCancel silentExit
allowCancel Whether the user can cancel the action.
silentExit Whether Kanzi Studio closes without showing any dialogs.
# Close Kanzi Studio but let the user cancel the closing. Show dialogs when closing Kanzi Studio.
ExitApplication true false
Syntax ExitApplication
# Close Kanzi Studio.


Export the kzb files of the main project and loaded referenced projects. Copy exported kzb files to the directory set in the Binary Export Directory property of the main project properties.

Syntax ExportAllProjectBinaries
# Export the kzb files of the main project and loaded referenced projects to the location set
# in the main project properties in the Binary Export Directory property.
Syntax ExportAllProjectBinaries targetDirectory compressImages exportKzbPlayer
targetDirectory The directory to which you want to export the kzb files.
compressImages Whether to preprocess the images in the project.
exportKzbPlayer Whether to export the project as a standalone Windows application using the kzb Player.
# Export the kzb files of the main project and loaded referenced projects to the C:\Temp\MyProject\ directory,
# preprocess the images, and export the project as kzb Player for Windows.
ExportAllProjectBinaries "C:\Temp\MyProject\" true true


Export a kzb file for each combination of theme groups and main localization table that have the Export Baked Usages property enabled.

Syntax ExportBakedThemeBinaries
# Export baked themes.


- Kzb file for use with Kanzi Engine API
- Resource packs for locales and themes according to their settings

Syntax ExportBinary exportThemesAndLocaleResourcesSeparately exportXml
exportThemesAndLocaleResourcesSeparately Whether Kanzi Studio exports the theme and locale resources to separate kzb files.
exportXml Whether Kanzi Studio exports kza file, which is the XML version of the kzb file.
# Export the kzb file, theme and locale resources, and the kza file to the location set in the Project > Properties in the Binary Export Directory property.
ExportBinary true true
Syntax ExportBinary fileName
fileName The name of the kzb file.
# Export the kzb file to the C:\Temp\project.kzb file.
ExportBinary C:\Temp\project.kzb


Export the content of all Description properties in the project to a plain text file.

Syntax ExportDescriptions root outputFile
root (Optional) The root node of the node tree the descriptions of which you export. If you do not set this parameter, Kanzi Studio exports the descriptions of all items in the project.
outputFile The file to which you export the descriptions.
# Export the project documentation to the plain text file C:\Temp\Descriptions.txt.
# The file includes the name, path, and description of items that have the Description property. 
ExportDescriptions "C:\Temp\Descriptions.txt"
# Export the descriptions of the RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node and its descendants
# to the plain text file C:\Temp\Descriptions.txt.
ExportDescriptions "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "C:\Temp\Descriptions.txt"


Import another Kanzi Studio project to the active project.

Syntax ImportProject importProjectPath
importProjectPath Full path name of the Kanzi Studio project file that you import.
# Import the Kanzi Studio project C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\My Project\My Project.kzproj.
ImportProject "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\My Project\My Project.kzproj"


Load material type from disk

Syntax LoadMaterialType loadPath
loadPath The path to the kzmat file you load.
# Load the C:\Program Files\Rightware\Kanzi\Studio\Asset Library\MaterialTypes\VertexPhong\Postprocessing\PostprocessingBoxBlur.kzmat file.
# Kanzi Studio adds to the Library > Materials and Textures > Material Types the PostprocessingBoxBlur material type and
# creates the PostprocessingBoxBlurMaterial material which uses the PostprocessingBoxBlur material type.
LoadMaterialType "C:\Program Files\Rightware\Kanzi\Studio\Asset Library\MaterialTypes\VertexPhong\Postprocessing\PostprocessingBoxBlur.kzmat"


Open project from disk

Syntax LoadProject path
path The project that you open.
# Open the C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyProject\Tool_project\MyProject.kzproj project.
LoadProject "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyProject\Tool_project\MyProject.kzproj"


Create a new project

Syntax NewProject newProjectFilePath
newProjectFilePath The path to the project you create.
# Create a new Kanzi Studio project C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyProject\Tool_project\MyProject.kzproj.
NewProject "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyProject\Tool_project\MyProject.kzproj"


Save material type to disk

Syntax SaveMaterialType savePath materialType
savePath Full path to the file to which you save the material type.
materialType The material type that you save.
# Save the My Material Type material type to the C:\Temp\My Material Type.kzmat file.
SaveMaterialType "C:\Temp\My Material Type.kzmat" "/Material Types/My Material Type"


Save project to disk

Syntax SaveProject savePath continueWorkingInOldPath
savePath The location to which you save the project.
continueWorkingInOldPath whether Kanzi Studio continues working in the directory where you opened the project. When you save the project to a different location, set this parameter to false.
# Save the C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyProject\Tool_project\MyProject.kzproj project.
SaveProject "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyProject\Tool_project\MyProject.kzproj" true



Build Android Package (APK) using the active Build Configuration.

Syntax ExportApk buildConfiguration compressImages
buildConfiguration The application configuration to use for the building of the APK file.
compressImages Whether to preprocess the images in the project.
# Build the APK file using the Library > Applications > MyProject application configuration.
# If the project contains images that use texture compression, compress these images.
ExportApk "/Resource Files/Applications/MyProject" true



Start the Preview.

Syntax StartPreview
# Start the Preview.



Execute commands defined in Kanzi Studio plugins.

Syntax Plugin pluginCommandName projectItem
pluginCommandName The internal name of the plugin command.
projectItem (Optional) The project item from the context menu of which you want to run the plugin command.
# Execute the Kanzi Studio plugin command named MyPluginCommand.
Plugin "MyPluginCommand"
# Execute the Kanzi Studio plugin command named MyPluginCommand from the context menu of the RootPage node.
Plugin "MyPluginCommand" "/Screens/Screen/RootPage"